CranioSacral Therapy for babies and infants

CranioSacral Therapy for Babies and Infants

CranioSacral massage may offer help for “unsettled babies” dealing with discomfort or other signs of physical and mental stress.

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is sometimes used in paediatric healthcare when babies display some of the following signs and symptoms: colic, teething symptoms, symptoms due to birth trauma, such as due to forceps extraction or an emergency C-section, trouble with breastfeeding or constipation.

How does paediatric CST work and is it always safe?

CST is considered safe for infants due to how gentle and non-invasive treatments are.

Treatment can help to deeply relax babies, helping them to feel protected and nurtured, while potentially also alleviating compression in the nervous system that is leading to pain or symptoms.

Sessions may benefit a baby’s sleep, digestion and moods by easing tightness in the baby’s mouth, head, back and neck.


Call me on 07970 633160 or email for more details.