Our Blog

CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month April has long been designated as International CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month. CST is a gentle, hands-on treatment modality that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body...

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Christmas Voucher – A thoughtful treatment gift!

Christmas Voucher – A thoughtful treatment gift!

  Christmas Voucher - A thoughtful treatment gift! Give a gift voucher this year. The perfect gift for your family or friends starting at £37. That special thought for that special person. Choose one of the these amazing treatments:     CranioSacral...

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Gorgeous gifts to protect and moisturise

Gorgeous gifts to protect and moisturise

We have a stunning range of Christmas gifts and stocking fillers ideal for family, friends and just for yourself. The range includes Lip Balms, Bee Balm, Lavender Massage Wax and Throat & Chest Balm. 100% natural with vegan options available, produced by Songbird,...

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Vertebrae 6 happily supports you everyday!

Vertebrae 6 happily supports you everyday!

When you're feeling sad, remember this vertebrae C6 and how happy it is to support you everyday! To learn more about the spine and the powerful impact that Cranial Sacral Therapy can have, contact me on 07970 633160 or email info@bayeeclinic.co.uk

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Introductory offer – £5 off your first Lymphatic Massage

Introductory offer – £5 off your first Lymphatic Massage

Try my new Lymphatic Massage service and receive £5 off your first treatment. Call 07970 633160 or email info@bayeeclinic.co.uk and quote “ILY1” when booking your appointment.   What is Lymphatic Massage? The lymphatic system plays a vital role in the function of...

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New service – Lymphatic Drainage Massage

New service – Lymphatic Drainage Massage

I'm absolutely delighted to announce I am now fully qualified to offer Lymphatic Drainage Massage.   Lymphatic massage also called manual lymph drainage is a technique to assist with the treatment of lymphedema, which is an accumulation of fluid that can occur...

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Be safe in the sun

Be safe in the sun

The sun is glorious and most of us delight in it and want to make the most of it when we get it! That doesn’t however mean we shouldn’t be careful. We need to protect ourselves from the effects of the sun that can damage the DNA in our skin cells and lead to cancer....

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Protect your skin – Take a step in the right direction

Protect your skin – Take a step in the right direction

There are many things you can do to protect your skin from the sun:

Spend 15 minutes in the sun before you put sun lotion on so that you can absorb it.

The Vitamin D produced by the sun makes your teeth and bones strong. Vitamin D also supports your muscles, nerves, and immune system.

A general rule of thumb is to have 4000ui a day (link to high nature) and you can take capsules all year round.

If you’re sitting in the sun, do it for about 15- 30 minutes and then take a break.

Drink constant water. If you feel thirsty your body is already dehydrated.

Reduce your alcohol intake as it can cause dehydration and alcohol and sun are not the best combination.

Men with little hair should protect their scalp with sun oils or lotions.

If you have just dyed your hair before going on holiday, remember to try and wash and condition it beforehand, and then as often as possible to retain its natural oils which the sun can easily strip away.

One area most people forget is the soles of their feet, and that can cause problems with skin cancer. Before sunbathing apply lotion to your soles and let it absorb. You can of course just cover your feet with a towel if you so choose.

Don’t forget your eyelids either, where the skin is quite tender and delicate. Using a cotton wool pad is a quick and easy way to apply lotion to this area.

If you’re in the sun for a longer period of time, make sure you acclimatise to the sun, especially if your body isn’t used to it.

Start with maybe an hour a day and build it up over the days.

Have a range of sun lotions with you from Factor 20 to 30 and 50 depending on the strength of the sun and how your skin is acclimatising to being in the sun, and apply the lotions accordingly, covering all exposed areas.

Remember you should build your tan, it isn’t something that happens overnight.

It’s also horsefly season so remember to apply insect repellent and where you can, light citronella candles to help keep them away.

Don’t forget to give yourself time to slowly wind down and move into this more relaxed state which usually takes around three days.

You will move from your sympathetic nervous system mode to a parasympathetic nervous system mode where you are not rushing around as much, are more relaxed and less stressed. See more details here.

Enjoy your summer!

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Make healthier choices

Make healthier choices

It is a lot easier than you think! Take Rosemary for example .....It is very simple to grow   Cut the stems from the plant and wash them Dry thoroughly Leave the rosemary leaves on the stems are they are much easier to remove once dried Place the rosemary on a...

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Village Garage Sale Sunday 10th April

Village Garage Sale Sunday 10th April

On Sunday 10th April from 10am until 4pm people throughout Much Hoole will be hosting garage sales.

Half the proceeds will be going to the Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.

Tea and coffee will be served in Much Hoole Village Hall and the bar will also be open.

Full address details of locations are as follows and maps are availale at the Village Hall.
1. Village Hall stall, Hoole Village Memorial Hall, PR4 4QA
2. Dot, Hoole Village Memorial Hall,, Liverpool Old Road, PR4 4QA
3. Richard, Hoole Village Memorial Hall., Liverpool Old Road, PR4 4QA
4. Alan, Hoole Village Memorial Hall., Liverpool Old Road, PR4 4QA
5. Jean, 34, Liverpool Old Road, PR4 4RB
6. Bill, 1A Birchfield, PR4 4HD
7. Lea, 2A Birchfield, PR4 4HD
8. Thomas, 22 Thornfield, PR4 4HE
9. Jenny, 41 Liverpool Old Road, PR4 4RB.
10. Natalie, L Felton Way, PR4 4GD
11. Alan, 1-22 Liverpool Old Road, PR4 4QB
12. Jan, 23 Middle Hey, PR4 4RH
13. Dorothy 134A Liverpool Old Road, PR4 4QB
14. Rita, 15 Smithy Lane, PR4 4QJ
15. Nicola, 37 Barnfield, PR4 4GE
16. Jess, Miceda, Smithy Lane, PR4 4QJ

Please come and support us to raise funds for the people of Ukraine.

Contact Lea Miller for more details on 07970 633160 or email info@bayeeclinic.co.uk

Thank you for your support.

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