Coronavirus Update – Patient safety during treatments

Your safety is of paramount importance and therefore I have undertaken several protective measures to ensure you remain safe and comfortable during any treatments.

Hand Sanitiser

When entering and leaving the treatment room please use the hand sanitiser at the door.


I have an infra-red reading thermometer that I use on myself before seeing each client. I will also be able to check my client’s temperature when they arrive.


I have purchased PPE equipment to the best of my ability, i.e. face masks, aprons, gloves and a visor and these will be worn during all treatments.

Patient timings and comfort

I will be leaving larger time gaps between patients so that I can effectively cleanse the clinic room for your safety.

I will ask all patients to stay in their cars if coming by car, until I call them on their mobile phone and ask them to come in, so there won’t be any crossover with other clients and I will be the only one touching door handles.

Although this may be a little difficult, I will be requesting where possible that patients make sure they have comfort breaks before they arrive, so use of my facilities is reduced to the absolute minimum.

Family and Freinds

I ask that any family or friends remain outside during your treatment to help with social distancing and safety.


I have purchased disposable and recyclable cardboard drinking cups for water during and after each treatment.

Treatment couch hygiene

I request that patients bring with their own towels (2), a pillow and a blanket for their treatment to ensure hygiene standards.

I will cover the treatment couch with cling film which will be discarded after every patient is treated.

There will also be a cover on the sofa so that I can wipe it clean with disinfectant before each new patient.

Your support

Finally, if you feel you have any other suggestions to ensure due diligence is observed I would greatly welcome them.

Thank you for your continued support and I hope to see you very soon.

In the meantime, I am very happy to undertake any telephone consultations so please do Contact Us